Serving the DMV since 2015
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This document holds ultimate power over TerpCraft. Even server staff must abide by its rules. However, we do reserve full rights to change any part of this document. If changes are made, we will inform the playerbase accordingly.

Disobeying the rules stated in this document will result in disciplinary action being taken against the individual responsible. This ranges from simple mitigation of the damage done by the player (accompanied by a verbal warning), to tempbans and permabans.

We thank the playerbase for their continued support in refining and expanding these rules to better create a sense of community on TerpCraft.

Have fun!

- TerpCraft Staff

Server Rules

Table of Contents
Part 1: Nation Rules Jump to Location
Part 2: Gameplay Rules Jump to Location
Part 3: United Nations Rules Jump to Location
Part 4: Code of Conduct Jump to Location
Part 5: Staff Code of Conduct Jump to Location

Part 1: Nation Rules

TL;DR: Join or make a nation within three days. You need three members. Claim using the in-game map. Make the claim not a literal square; follow your coasts, rivers, and other natural features. Don't claim a crazy amount. Don't name your nation after real places. Declare a government type and tell the Secretary General (SecGen) what it is. Make a unique banner, and give that to the SecGen too.
  1. All players on the server must join or form a nation within three (3) IRL days of joining the server.
  2. Use the commands /name prefix and /name suffix to name yourself using the following format:

    Role yourname [Nation]
    e.g. King Testudo [Turtleland]
  3. All nations must have at least three (3) members, or they will not be counted as a nation.
    Click here to read about exceptions.
    The exceptions to the membership requirement are as follows:
    1. Nations with young membership, who as a demographic are under-represented on the server and therefore are unlikely to be able to form a nation by themselves.
    2. The nation of Heiros and its SecGen-recognized successor states, which have been provided an exception by server member consensus.
  4. The land that members wish to claim for their nations must be claimed using MapFrontiers, TerpCraft's land claiming mod. The rules about these claims are as follows:
    1. Land claims cannot be simple squares or shapes. They must follow each nation's coastline as smoothly as possible.
    2. Nations cannot be formed solely in the Nether or End. Nations may have bases or outposts there, but nations must claim in the Overworld.
    3. Nations may not claim territory in MapFrontiers that has already claimed by another nation.
    4. Lands may not extend over an inordinately large amount of space. The Secretary General of the United Nations will determine if a land has over-extended itself and reduce it in size or delete it entirely if necessary.
      Click here to read more about the decision-making process regarding land sizes.
      When determining over-extension of land, the Secretary General shall consider the following factors:
      1. How close is the new claim to pre-existing territory of the land in question? The further away a claim is from pre-existing territory, the smaller it should be.
      2. Could the areas being claimed be considered even somewhat superfluous "buffer zones" around their main territory, for the purposes of national security and/or basic expansion? Take these zones into account, as they are permitted.
      3. How large is the population of the land in question? The smaller the population, the less land they should possess.
      4. Does the membership of the land in question have some semblance of an idea of what they want to do with the claim in question, and does that idea reasonably require the amount of land claimed?
      5. Does the nation in question have a historical ownership over the area they are claiming or have claimed previously? For example, if Kingdom A's members built an area in years past and wish to reclaim that area for Kingdom A, they should be permitted to do so. Similarly, if Kingdom A has ruled over a large area for multiple months or years without a dispute, then that area should probably remain theirs.
      • Information about how to use the MapFrontiers system will be provided through a tutorial video, and, if needed, in-game assistance from moderators and experienced server members.

Part 2: Gameplay Rules

TL;DR: No griefing. Consult the chart below before committing theft. Don't give new players elytras. Raid farms are only allowed for farming emeralds, and must be equipped with totem filtration systems. Don't build amonguses (unless you want to start a World War). Don't use hack clients. Don't use exploits except for TNT, sand/gravel and carpet duping. You can use schematic mods like Litematica if you'd like.
  1. No griefing. Griefing is a bannable defense.
    Click here to see the definition of griefing.
    Griefing is defined as the destruction, placement, or modification of blocks which creates a significant inconvenience for another person. Please note that repeated incidents of minor inconvenience can together be considered a significant inconvenience and cause a person's behavior to qualify as griefing. Each incident of alleged griefing will be considered on a case-by-case basis by server staff.
  2. While griefing is illegal, griefing complex redstone builds is TURBO illegal. This includes something as small as removing an item from a dispenser that breaks the machine.
  3. Stealing and then burning/destroying items is considered griefing.
  4. Stealing is legal, but server members have decided that it must be done in compliance with the rules below. The purpose of these rules is to maintain some semblance of order on the server and also to allow items to be returned with relative ease should a settlement be reached between the parties involved.
    (☮️=During Peace,
    ⚔️=During War)
    ☮️ ⚔️
    Stealing while all players being stolen from are offline
    Storing stolen items outside of one's claimed territory
    Storing stolen items mixed together/in close proximity to items from other people/groups, including the thief's
    Storing stolen items without labeling the group/individual that the items belong to (with signs, named shulker boxes, etc.)
    Stealing stolen items from another player's stolen items cache to put in your own stolen items cache
    Stealing items from a UN-sanctioned museum
    Stealing large quantities of items (stacks)
    Stealing from item frames and armor stands
    Stealing tools (any type)
    Stealing armor and/or weapons (any type) from armor stands and storage systems
    Stealing armor and/or weapons (any type) from a person's grave after killing them
    NOTE: You can keep any armor sets taken in this manner if done legally.
    Stealing stolen items from another player's stolen items cache for the purpose of returning those items to their rightful owners (including oneself)
    Stealing consumable items (food, potions, gapples, etc.) and then using those items
  6. Server members may not provide new players with elytras.
    • The only exception to this rule is players that join pre-existing nations, but they must remain active for at least three (3) days before an elytra can be provided to them. This is because elytras are effectively a finite resource and must be preserved.
  7. Raid farms are not allowed to be used for the purpose of obtaining totems. All raid farms on the server must be equipped with a totem disposal system, and any raid farms that do not possess this system will be destroyed or deactivated. An investigation will subsequently be conducted by the Secretary General of the United Nations which may result in the seizure of contraband totems.
  8. You may not build amonguses. This used to be a bannable offense, but now the UN will probably just band together and whoop your ass.
  9. Server members may NOT use hack clients or X-ray. This is a bannable offense.
  10. Server members may NOT use exploits EXCEPT FOR TNT duping, sand/gravel duping and carpet duping. Depending on the severity of the exploit used, this may be a bannable offense.
  11. Server members ARE permitted to use schematic mods like Litematica.

Part 3: United Nations Rules

TL;DR: The main body of the United Nations (UN) is the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Each land with three members becomes a voting member of the UNGA and can vote on proposed resolutions and amendments. In order for the things the UNGA passes to actually count, UNGA meetings have to be presided over by a UN official, and >=66% of active nations have to be there. The SecGen has some power to make some basic executive orders, but the UNGA can overrule them. UNGA meetings can be called by any voting member, and members may be removed for violating decorum. UN land is neutral ground and may not be attacked.
  1. The primary body of the United Nations (UN) shall be the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which shall legislate resolutions that are binding on all nations on the server.
  2. At UNGA meetings, each nation or land that satisfies the nation requirements stated in Part 1 shall be considered voting members and receive one (1) vote each and one (1) vote per attending member on proposed resolutions and amendment.
  3. Click here to get a refresher on the requirements for forming a nation
    The requirements for nation formation are as follows:
    1. All players on the server must join or form a nation within three (3) IRL days of joining the server.
    2. All nations must have at least three (3) members, or they will not be counted as a nation.
      Click here to read about exceptions.
      The exceptions to the membership requirement are as follows:
      1. Nations with young membership, who as a demographic are under-represented on the server and therefore are unlikely to be able to form a nation by themselves.
      2. The nation of Heiros and its SecGen-recognized successor states, which have been provided an exception by server member consensus.
  4. Amendments that the SecGen determines to be non-facetious may be offered to resolution proposals at UN meetings. If 50% of votes are cast for an amendment to the proposed resolution, then it must be amended as such.
  5. UNGA meetings can be called by any voting member, so long as the reason for doing so is not facetious (as determined by the SecGen). Before calling a UNGA meeting, the SecGen shall determine whether the issue at hand can be remedied by an executive order. If it cannot, the SecGen shall call a UNGA meeting.
  6. UNGA meetings must be presided over by the UN SecGen or a SecGen-authorized official. Resolutions and amendments passed without the SecGen or an authorized official present shall be considered null and void.
  7. The official presiding over the UNGA meeting must maintain order within the chamber. The official is authorized to remove individuals who violate basic decorum. The individual removed shall lose the right to vote for the remainder of the session.
  8. UNGA meetings must include at least 66% of active nations in order to constitute a quorum, which is necessary to pass resolutions and amendments. Members voluntarily leaving in the middle of a meeting do not invalidate a quorum.
  9. The UNGA possesses powers of eminent domain, but must fairly compensate the owner(s) of a piece of land in order to seize it. Fair compensation shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the UNGA after consultation with the party from whom the land is being purchased.
  10. The Secretary General of the United Nations has the authority to issue specific and limited executive orders on matters of basic international cooperation and justice. These executive orders may be overturned by a simple majority vote in the UN General Assembly.
  11. UN-controlled land may not be attacked and shall be considered neutral land. Embassies on UN-controlled land shall be considered the territory of each respective nation, but also may not be attacked during wartime.

Part 4: Code of Conduct

TL;DR: Be a decent human being, both in text and in voice chat. Also, you can nick yourself but make sure it's recognizable when compared to your regular username.
  1. Don't be a dick.
  2. Be considerate of others' lived experiences. If you don't know, don't assume. Get to know people before you say off-color crap.
  3. Have fun, but not at others' expense if possible.
  4. Hate speech, bigotry, racism, sexual harassment, and cyber bullying are not allowed. Remain civil in your conversations with other server members.
  5. Creation of hateful artifacts through the process of building is also not allowed. Even artifacts which appear to be hateful must have a clear and believable explanation as to why they are not and the creator must provide a justification as to why it needs to exist on this server. Server staff are authorized to remove violating artifacts at their discretion
  6. All of the above rules apply to in-game voice chat as well.
  7. You may use /name nickname to give yourself a nickname, but this username must contain some part of your actual username (not just mean letters, but whole words or phrases). For example, if my username is "Testudo," I could shorten it to Testy, but not something like "ILOVETMNT."
    • TerpCraft is not directly associated with UMCP Gaming as this is an independent organization. We serve the wider DMV (D.C., Maryland and Virginia) area, and have members from both UMD and Montgomery College. We do however work alongside UMCP Gaming to ensure no one from UMD is excluded in any way and that the server is open to all students at UMD regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, etc. Discrimination against members on the basis of the protected categories specified by UMD's Non-Discrimination Policy will result in disciplinary action being taken by moderators, in line with TerpCraft's Staff Code of Conduct as laid out below.

Part 5: Staff Code of Conduct

TL;DR: Staff must follow all rules listed above, including the Code of Conduct. Server members have a right to due process after three days. Server staff may not use their operator ("OP") status for their own gain, or to cheat in items.

Beginning with Season 6, staff members shall be held to using the following standard protocol to determine whether a server member will be permabanned:

  • If a member has been on the server less than three days, they can be banned at moderator discretion.
  • After three days, a player gains the right to immunity from immediate staff permabans for a first-time offense and the right to the following due process:
    1. For a first-time offense, a UN Trial in the #un-trials channel on our Discord. Server members will determine the innocense or guilt and sentence of the accused after both sides have been given the opportunity to present evidence and statements.
    2. If a member is found guilty in that trial but is not banned, and commits the same offense again, a council of server staff will determine whether the person shall be banned.
    3. Should the individual be found guilty again but not be banned again, and then recommit the same offense, they will be permanently banned if they recommit a third time.

Please note that server administrators have the right to tempban people at any time for violation of server rules, pending a UN trial as described above.

Additionally, server staff may not use their operator ("OP") status for their own gain or the gain of their nation, including cheating in items. This includes use of any commands not available to server members at large. Server staff found guilty of this by a UN Trial will be removed from their position.

Please note, however, that there are two exceptions to this rule:

Click here to see exceptions for use of OP for self-gain:
  1. A staff member is authorized to use OP powers for self-gain if a reasonable staff member would believe that, given any non-staff member experiencing the same circumstances, they would be justified in using OP powers to help that person in the same situation.
  2. A staff member is authorized to use OP powers to defend themselves if a reasonable staff member would believe that they are being targeted due to their being a member of staff or as retaliation for actions they have taken as a staff member.